
fredag 27 januari 2012


BookCircle Week 5 Creative Con

The book reminds me of a movie i saw, it's called "From Hell". The reason it reminds me of that movie is because they are trying to solve a murder in both the book and the movie.

torsdag 26 januari 2012

Hur ljus bryts igenom en halvmåne och en prisma

Syfte: att se hur en penna reflekteras

materiel: plastmugg

utförande: vi hällde vatten i ett glas och doppade ner en penna.

resultat: höll man den rakt såg det tjockare ut under vatten.
höll man den snett så reflekterades den mer snett.


syfte: att se hur en ljusstråle fortsätter igenom en halvmåne och en prisma glasbit.

optisk bänk..
optik lampa.
lins 10+
skärm med en spalt.
muffar 4 st
glasskivor ( prisma och halvmåne)

utförande: vi satte upp materielen som figuren visade på papperet.

resultat: igenom halvmånen så blev strålen väldigt smal. strålen riktades också uppåt och riktades. mot normanen. ljuset går långsammare i glas än luft.

igenom prisman så gick strålen 90 grader. på andra hållet så studsade strålen på alla väggarna och gick tillbaka.

slutsats: när ljus passerar olika täta optiska material bryts ljuset.

fredag 20 januari 2012

The hidden one "hatt frågor"

vit hatt fakta - What is the hidden one about? a hunter who could only be seen by a woman with a "pure" heart.
gul hat positivt - What is good about the story?  It had a happy ending.
svart hat negativt - What is bad about the story? It was boring.
räd hatt känslor - What did you feel when you heard the story? It was "less entertaining."
Grön hatt kreativt - What could you change about the story to make it more entertaining? Nothing, all hope is lost for this story.

onsdag 11 januari 2012

Goldilocks Summary

There was a girl called Goldilocks. She liked to be in the woods. There lived three bears in a house. A big bear a medium bear and a little bear. They were about to eat porridge but it was to hot so they went out for it to cool down. Goldilocks came to their house and saw the porridge. She tried sitting on the chairs but none of them were comfortable and one of them broke. She tried eating the porridge but it was still to hot. Then she went to sleep in the baby bears bed. The bears came home and noticed someone has been there. They noticed Goldilocks and she woke up and ran home. The end.

- Marcus